Artificial Grass San Jose California
Artificial Grass San Jose California
Serving San Jose, California

Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

Creating a warm and inviting front yard is a great way to enhance the first impression of your property. Beautiful front yards change neighborhoods, but before you get carried away with planting, establishing pathways to the entrance, you have to consider a couple of practical matters.

Choosing Lawn Grass

If you like to have natural grass in your front yard, choosing a lawn grass may not be an easy task. Grasses need water and at least 4 hours of direct sun a day to grow and look good. If you don't water your lawn during summer droughts, or the soil in your regions doesn't retain much water, fescue grasses will probably fit you the best. Fescue grasses in general are ideal for low-maintenance lawns. They don't require extensive fertilizing, and you won't mow it closer than 3 inches to the ground.

Kentucky bluegrass has excellent color, density and texture, but it is maintenance high, requires higher amounts of water and best mown over 1 1/2 - 2 1/4 inches to maintain a manicured appearance of the lawn and to keep the most moisture in summer drought conditions. Without fertilizing any a natural grass, diseases and loss of immunity rapidly develop. Fertilization is a tricky business. It required a chemist to determine that exact amount of chemicals your lawn needs.

Choosing artificial turf recently became an open option for homeowners. We used to think that artificial lawns have something to do with an ugly, unnaturally looking astroturf, but with technologies we use today to manufacture synthetic grasses, the bridge between natural and artificial beauty becomes thinner and thinner. Take a look at the picture below. Can you tell the difference?

Synthetic grass immediate and long-term advantages as:

  • It doesn't not require watering (safe fat monthly bill).
  • There is no need in mowing or trimming edges.
  • Synthetic grass dries quickly after rain and keep green and cool during summer drought periods.
  • No worries about weeds, diseases and immune system of the grass.
  • No chemicals, no fertilization.
  • Once installed, synthetic lawn will last you 20 years with a minimum maintenance (you will need to clean it up once in a while, of course) and safe you're a big deal in water-related terms.
  • If you have pets, artificial grass protects your lawn from developing brown spots (from pet's urine acid
  • Following are several front yard landscaping ideas you can put in use if you want to keep your lawn good looking for many years and avoid expenses at the same time.

    Cover the main lawn area with an artificial turf and keep mulch, flowers and bushes in the designated areas. You can allow the multicolored flowers to embrace the area around a house, and take advantage of every available space.

    Beautifully carved with natural stones of various shapes and sizes this front yard has mixed areas of mulch and synthetic grass, with palm trees, pink roses and natural plants.

    Landscaping in a high desert can be tricky. Conserving water resources and maintaining attractive and water-efficient landscape is a part of a challenge. The front yard landscape idea above accents the beauty of combined naturally-colored natural stones with green color of the lawn. The fountain makes it look more extravagant and expensive.

    Not every front yard is designed to serve average neighborhood idea of whimsical greenways. Some homeowners prefer to grit their guests on their own putting greens. Backyard golf courses are common in upscale neighborhoods, but today you can enjoy your personal putting greens even if you are on a tight budget.

    Nice way to create recreational atmosphere of your gateway is to cover the pathway to your door with perfectly manicured green bushes, grasses and ferns. The owners of the beautiful brick house (see the picture above) created a forest in their front yard filled with cohesive plants and settling with the side lawns of synthetic grass guarantying fresh, green, everlasting mystery to sweep guests off their feet.

    The synthetic lawn is a great investment. It increases the value of your home due to its new refreshed look and lower maintenance. This is quite advantageous, especially if you are planning on reselling your property later on. Also, you will enjoy the scenery, making you enjoy spending more time at home.

    Amazing Lawn Transformations! from Global Syn-Turf on Vimeo

    August 4, 2014   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Synthetic Turf, Synthetic Turf, Landscape Ideas, Landscape Ideas, Front Yard Ideas, Front Yard Ideas, Front Yard, Front Yard

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